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ASTM D6760-16
Compliance Statement
ASTM D6767 - 16: Standard Test Method for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep Foundations by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing
[Link to the ASTM standard] [Compliance certificate (PDF)] [CHUM CSL tester catalog] confirms that our CHUM system, running CHUM Version 4.5 (or higher) meet, or exceed, the requirements of ASTM Standard D 6760 - 16
Specific itemized compliance break-down list:
Item | Description | Requirements | Compliance |
4.2 | Output signals storage | Saved or at least modulated | Meets (Saved) |
4.3 | Special test techniques | N.A. | Exceeds |
6.3.1 | Probe waterproofing | 150% maximal depth | Exceeds: All our probes are tested in a pressure chamber at 16bar (160m deep) for 30 minutes during stress operation |
6.3.1 | Probes margins from bottom | 100mm | Exceeds: (<50mm) |
6.3.2 | Transmitter frequency | 30-100KHz | Meets: 60KHz |
6.3.5 | Cables temperature range | - | -30c to +70c |
6.3.5 | Cable protection | - | Meets: CHUM's pulleys design ensures smooth and safe deployment of the probes |
6.3.5 | Cable robustness | - | Exceeds |
6.3.6 | Depth measurements slippage | None | Meets |
6.3.6 | Depth measurements accuracy | Max(1%, 250mm) | Exceeds: Max(0.2%, 50mm) |
6.4.1 | Gain control | Adjustable | Exceeds: Automatic |
6.4.1 | General design | - | Exceeds |
6.4.1 | Sampling vertical interval | Adjustable | Meets, 1cm to 10cm |
6.4.2 | Recording | 250KHz | Exceeds (500KHz) |
6.4.2 | Recording | 12Bit | Exceeds: using top 12Bit of a 16Bit A/D + 8 bits due to AGC (automatic gain control) |
6.4.4 | Display of Measured Data | Raw data | Exceeds: All display options are available in-site, in real-time |
6.4.4 | Printer | Optional | Meets (Not supplied with basic unit) |
7.9.1 | Analysis | Relative Energy and FAT plots + Water fall | Exceeds: Many more presentation options available |
7.9.3 | Data storage | Data shall be kept permanently | Meets |
8 | Reporting | - | Exceeds: extensive help from the CHUM system to store and report the specified data items |
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