COVID19 News
Piletest operations under the COVID-19 pandemic
In short - Business as usual
Piletest continues to deliver worldwide. Our manufacturing site is designated as critical infrastructure by the local authorities and therefore, operations continue. We also continue to supply our products to locations around the world, where permitted.
As always, our highest priority is to help ensure the health and safety of our employees, customers, and suppliers while meeting our service commitments.
Here’s what you can expect from us:
Ability to communicate directly with us regarding support on your project at all stages.
Technical support response within 24 hours as before.
Ability to issue requests for information, quotation and delivery schedule.
Constant monitoring of our couriers (i.e. UPS, DHL, etc) to address potential sources of disruption on our ability to deliver to your door.
Compliance with applicable government regulations related to the containment of Coronavirus.
Careful guidance and information are provided to our staff regarding the best ways to prevent the spread of infection, based on guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and, within the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Methods and limitations due to COVID-19 restriction, on delivery to your door by the local delivery service, should be verified with the local service office.
Wishing you & your close ones good health and peace during these challenging times
The Piletest team