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Borehole Inclination Tester 

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Welcome to Piletest!

BIT is a test instrument that measures the inclination (verticality) of boreholes, wells, deep foundations (piles with access tubes), pile walls & secant pile walls.

BIT is unique as it uses the auger/bucket itself as the centralizer. Eliminating the need for a heavy-to-move system. The BIT enables fast and accurate determination of inclination in both dry and wet boreholes. Large boreholes and diaphragm-walls may be quickly tested several times during drilling to enable real-time corrective action.

BIT is can also measure pile deep foundations and pile walls which are equipped with CSL access tubes.

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BIT measures the verticality of

  • Open boreholes - any diameter

  • Piles: Driven and Sheet-piles

  • Wells & geophysical ducts

  • Drilled shafts through access tubes

BIT measurement is based on 

  • Android app to download to your smartphone or tablet

  • BIT sensor module using MEMS sensors

  • External centralizer which can be 

    • The drill machine bucket​

    • Piletest made centralizer

    • User custom made centralizer 

System Components

  1. BIT Main unit, rechargeable battery operated with wireless communication channels to the depth meter & computing system running the software 

  2. Inclination sensor module and centralizer 

  3. Depth encoder hang above the measured borehole or pile

  4. Android smartphone or tablet with Bluetooth 

  5. Rugged polyurethane orange cable connects the main unit to the inclination sensor (2).

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In the field 

  •  Precision bi-axial inclination sensor (2), harsh environment and pressure-proof to 200m, attached to the auger/bucket using a simple disposable metal plate.

  •  Precision wireless depth meter (3), transmitting accurate depth to the main box.

  •  Rig operator satellite box (4) with two LEDs: GO/Stop (Optional) and BIT software on Android device. Limited

18 Fouracres Walk
Hemel Hempstead
Herts HP3 9LB
United Kingdom

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